GUIA  JULIO-AGOSTO   11       PERIODO  II    2021

Enviar las evidencias de èste trabajo a la docente ELIZABETH SUÀREZ ARROYAVE al correo

La estrategias de lectura son las habilidades que emplea el lector para interactuar con el texto.

Estrategia 1: Predecir el contenido (predicting). ...

Estrategia 2: Hacer una lectura rápida (skimming). ...

Estrategia 3: Escanear el texto para encontrar información específica (scanning). ...

Estrategia 4: Ignorar las palabras que no son importantes. (Inferring )



Intentar determinar lo que creas que habla el texto, apóyate del título texto, gráficos, imágenes. Es anticiparse a lo que el texto aportará según el bagaje previo del tema que se tenga.  Crea una serie de juicios a partir de la información que se presenta en el texto. Dependiendo de nuestros conocimientos previos se activa la predicción de lo que se tratara en el texto



La definición de skim en el diccionario es eliminar material flotante saltar por la superficie de algo. Otra definición de skim es deslizarse suavemente o ligeramente. El skimming se utiliza para buscar las ideas generales de un texto, leyendo los primeros y últimos párrafos. Este tipo de lectura permite agilizar la velocidad de lectura; pero claro está que resulta efectivo solo para leer materiales de estudio o consulta.  la idea es identificar lo general en conceptos, idea principal, espacios y tiempos  clave, por eso no es necesario leer cada palabra del texto, si no saltarlo por pedazos. lo que dará una idea general (no profunda) de que trata el texto



Scanning o escaneo, conocida también como lectura de exploración Resulta muy útil cuando necesitas encontrar información específica que ya conoces de antemano y no tienes tiempo de leerlo todo. Es decir que es un método se utiliza cuando sabes previamente que estás buscando. Ayuda a localizar una respuesta mientras escaneas un texto debes identificar en que párrafos puede encontrarse esa respuesta .Busca cifras, fechas nombres o frases puntuales y claves. 



Las palabras y significados previamente  conocidos en un texto ayudan  por medio de asociación con el contexto a encontrar el significado de las palabras desconocidas, fijándose en las palabras que sí reconocemos y que rodean la palabra desconocida haremos la inferencia.

Es muy importante el papel del contexto verbal en el que se utiliza una palabra para hallar su sentido.



                                              THE ORIGINS OF WRITTEN LITERATURE


The origins of a written literature can be found in most of the civilizations of the ancient world; in India, China, and among the Jewish people whose great work of literature is taken to present. The start of Western literature is the Old Testament of the Bible. Their greatest single contribution was drama, a form of literature that has continued undiminished to the present day. Other literary forms that developed from the time of the Greeks and Romans onwards have been Poetry in its many different styles and forms; the essay; biography and autobiography; and the novel.


    READING 1    

A) the ancient world was based upon the written literature

B) Bible is submitted to the Jewish people as their holy book

C) Western literature is considered to be constructed upon the Greek

D) Greek literature is not the start of western Chinese and Indian
E) the origins of the Poetry can be traced back to Jewish literature


A) has existed since the civilizations of the ancient world

B) is a branch of drama

C) is established primarily on poetry, biography, autobiography and the

D) is separated into two; oral literature and written literatura

E) is as old as the Bible

A) holy book Bible is a form of drama

B) although poetry was invented by Greeks and Romans, it was changed
        considerably by the Chinese

C) the origin of drama is based upon the Old Testament
D) biography and autobiography are the only branches of Roman and
        Greek literature
E) drama has been lasting for centuries contrary to written literatura

                                                   STRUCTURE OF SUGAR

Atoms of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are put together to make molecules of sugar -a carbohydrate food substance. The carbon comes from carbon dioxide gas in the air. Air enters through holes, called stomata, in the plant's leaves. The hydrogen and oxygen come from water. The water is taken up from the soil by the plant's roots. The light energy is trapped by a special chemical called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is green and gives green plants their color. The gas oxygen is left over at the end of photosynthesis and goes into the air.

       READING    2    


A) all the gases come from the air through the stomata

B) plants' seeming green is owing to a substance called chlorophyll

C) the water is split up by a chemical reaction in the plant's leaves

D) the carbon enters the plant by means of its roots

E) the only outcome of photosynthesis is oxygen


A) can be used in photosynthesis interchangeably

B) is the converted form of trapped light energy

C) is the product of both photosynthesis and gases

D) is crucial since it provides the plant with oxygen and hydrogen

E) can be turned into carbon dioxide during the photosynthesis


A) gases, water and and light are absorbed and turned into sugar and oxygen

B) water is absorbed through the holes of leaves

C) chlorophyll is not used in the photosynthesis as a chemical

D) absorbed carbon is doubled in the reaction and emitted back

E) the roots of the plants are the canals where the reaction takes place

                                           THE STATUE OF LIBERTY

The Statue of Liberty, arguably one of New York City’s most iconic symbols, is a popular tourist attraction for first-time visitors to the city. This 150-foot monument was gifted to the United States from France in order to celebrate 100 years of America’s independence. The statue is located on Liberty Island, and it is accessible by taking a ferry from either Battery Park in New York City or Liberty State Park in Jersey City.

When Claire visited the Statue of Liberty for the first time, she instantly admired it as a symbol of freedom. Claire made sure to make reservations before her visit because only 240 people are permitted to climb the staircase to the top of the statue every day. After climbing almost 400 stairs, Claire received spectacular views of the city from the statue’s crown.

During her visit, Claire learned that the Statue of Liberty was not always the color that it is now. She found out that because the statue’s exterior is made of copper, the statue oxidized over time, giving it the greenish appearance it has in present day. When it was first constructed, the statue was the same color as a shiny penny!

After touring the Statue of Liberty, Claire spent the rest of the day in New York City visiting other important monuments and historic landmarks. Claire left New York hoping to have had the time to explore more sites, but she can’t wait to return to the city in the future.

READING 3                        


a The Dutch

b The French

c The British

d The Spanish


a Economic recovery from the Great Depression

b Open immigration to the United States

c The end of the Civil War

d A century of American independence


a. everybody

b. nobody

c. just tourists

d. few people with reservation


a The nose

b The mouth

c The flame

d The crown


a It was painted green during restorations.

b The statue is poorly maintained by the city.

c Its copper exterior oxidized.

d New York’s poor air quality has eroded the statue.


                                           HUMAN BODY PARTS AND ORGANS

It goes without saying that humans (mammals identifiable as those that stand upright and are comparatively advanced and capable of detailed thought) have pretty remarkable bodies, given all that they've accomplished. (Furthermore, an especially intelligent human brain produced this text!) To be sure, humans have overcome predators, disease, and all sorts of other obstacles over thousands of years.

To fully understand and appreciate these accomplishments, let's take at some of the most well-known parts of the human body!

The head, or the spherical body part that contains the brain and rests at the top of the human body, has quite a few individual organs and body parts on it. (It should quickly be mentioned that hair occupies the space on top of the head, and the ears, the organs responsible for hearing, are located on either side of the head.) From top to bottom, the eyebrows, or horizontal strips of hair that can be found above the eye, are the first components of the head. The eyes are below them, and are round, orb-like organs that allow humans to see.

The eyes make way for the nose, or an external (sticking-out) organ that plays an important part in the breathing and bacteria-elimination processes. Below that is the mouth, or a wide, cavernous organ that chews food, removes bacteria, helps with breathing, and more. The mouth contains teeth, or small, white-colored, pointed body parts used to chew food, and the tongue, or a red-colored, boneless organ used to chew food and speak.

The neck is the long body part that connects the head to the chest (the muscular body part that protects the heart and lungs), and the stomach, or the part of the body that contains food and liquid-processing organs, comes below that.

The legs are the long, muscular body parts that allow humans to move from one spot to another and perform a variety of actions. Each leg contains a thigh (a thick, especially muscular body part used to perform strenuous motions; the upper part of the leg) and a calf (thinner, more flexible body part that absorbs the shock associated with movement; the lower part of the leg). Feet can be found at the bottom of legs, and each foot is comprised of five toes, or small appendages that help balance.

Arms are long, powerful body parts that are located on either side of chest, below the shoulders;arms are comprised of biceps (the thicker, more powerful upper portion), and forearms (the thinner, more flexible lower portion). Hands, or small, gripping body parts used for a tremendous number of actions, are at the end of arms. Each hand contains five fingers, or small appendages used to grip objects.

The aforementioned shoulders are rounded body parts that aid arms' flexibility. One's back is found on the opposite side of the stomach, and is a flat section of the body that contains important muscles that're intended to protect the lungs and other internal organs, in addition to helping humans perform certain motions and actions.


4.        ­­­­_____________  is not located on the head or face

a Eye

b Nose

c Mouth

d Leg

       Legs are comprised of _______________

a Feet

b Calves

c Thighs

d All of the above

There are ­­­­­­­__________ toes and fingers on each foot / hand?

a Ten

b Five

c Four

d Two

­­­_____________is the part of the body that contains important organs that aid digestion

a The back

b The head

c The stomach

d The neck

                                          COVID-19 – FINANCIAL IMPACT

Covid-19 is an infectious disease that has created a global pandemic. It is named because it was discovered in 2019, however the main impact of the pandemic started in 2020.

The virus has had a devastating effect on the global economy. In the USA, the economy shrunk by 3.5% in 2020, the worst result since WW2. Retailer J.Crew filed for Bankruptcy in 2020.

However, not all companies had negative experiences. Businesses that produce alcohol saw sales rise in 2020. So did suppliers of cleaning and medical products, particularly Hand Sanitizer and Face masks. In most countries, Gyms had to close but sales of home exercise equipment increased.

Teleconferencing companies like Zoom enjoyed a boom as many people started to work from home. Zoom shares went up by 41% in September 2020 after they announced record sales.

Other winners include Facebook and E-commerce companies like Amazon and Shopify.


­­­­___________ company did NOT have success in 2020

a Amazon

b Zoom

d J. Crew

c Facebook

Sales  of ­­­­_____________  products are not mentioned here.

a Alcohol

b Hand Sanitizer

c Clothing

d Home exercise equipment

USA economy shrink ­­­­___________ in 2020

a 20%

b 19%

c 3.5%

d 41%

­­­­____________  is a synonym for “devastating”?

a Excellent

b Sales

c Disease

d Disastrous


­­­____________  is the definition of a “boom” in sales

a Staying the same

b A small decrease

c A large increase

d A drop


­­______________   is the definition of a Global Pandemic?

a The economy

b The outbreak of a disease that occurs across most of the world

c An increase in Sales

d A decrease in Sales

                                                       BUSINESS CYCLES

It might seem somewhat random when the economy encounters a downturn, companies struggle, and prices rise, but the process is actually the direct result of a number of specific factors, including business cycles.

 Business cycles refer to the periods of various success, struggle, and medium-quality profits encountered by companies in the normal course of the economy; these periods affect every individual. In other words, businesses may offer a service at an affordable price at one point in time and fail to become profitable, but may then see this same service bring in tons of cash at a later point; the difference isn’t the business, but rather, is the economy.

When the economy is “’good” - something that’s characterized by low unemployment, low inflation, rising wages, and more - most businesses experience a boom, or an increase in profits and success. There are once again a variety of factors that contribute to booms (some of which are uncontrollable), but the short explanation of the occurrences is that when people have more money to spend, businesses have more money to make.

Similarly, businesses experience a bust, or a decrease in profits and success, when the economy falters. For most people, a sagging economy means it might be hard to find work and pay bills; for businesses, a sagging economy means it might be difficult to stay in operation.

Business contractions, or normal periods of reduction in business after prolonged growth, occur regularly and vary in severity. Eventually, employers will require a smaller amount of help because consumers are purchasing less (after all, almost nobody buys new and expensive things all the time), unemployment will accordingly increase, wages will fall, and so on and so forth.

Recessions, or multi-month-long declines in wages, general economic activity, and most importantly, GDP, are more serious than business contractions. Recessions last longer than business contractions, can be more severe, and can signal larger problems in the economy.


The difference between a boom and a bust is ____________

a Booms feature economic growth; busts feature economic downturn

b Booms help businesses and consumers financially; busts harm them

c Booms and busts are basically the same

d 1 and 2

business contractions are___________

a Periods during which the economy shrinks by 50-60%

b Periods during which entire states’ economies are completely destroyed

c Normal periods of reduction in business after prolonged growth

d Normal periods of rapid economic growth after a long period of increasing wages


recessions are  different  than business contractions because ________

a They last longer - usually at least a few months

b They are characterized by GDP decreases

c They can  indicate  larger problems with the economy

d All of the above


____________  by boom and bust cycles

a Only businesses are affected

b Only consumers are affected

c Both businesses and consumers are affected

d Neither businesses nor consumers are affected

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